About car2art
Yes! Another special part, now what
That is simple. The creative process starts. Days staring at the part, touching it, look at it from a distance, from other angles. Put it away for a few weeks just to take it out again and the proces starts all over. But, every now and then an idea just pops up into my mind within 5 minutes. What ever time it takes to form the ‘eureka’ moment, that is only the beginning. Sometimes it seems impossible to transfer the part into the desired design. Technical problems must be tackled, drawing after drawing is made. Eventually all the preparations will lead to executing the design.

“Design matters because I want my car parts in places where you don’t expect them”

Now, get the hands dirty
Now the exciting part starts, but also the scary part. I have to take the exclusive and often expensive part and start drilling, sawing, cutting or whatever is necessary to shape it into the object I see in my mind. Once the drill touches the surface there is no way back. One mistake and the part is useless for my design, but if all went well, victory !
Mission Accomplished
The time consuming hand polishing of a part that seems to take for ever, or shaping certain parts out of a solid piece of aluminum using nothing more then a file is the less exciting part of the creative process. But then the moment is there, all the hard work is done. The parts will be carefully cleaned and finally assembled. There it is, the object has become what weeks or even months before came to live in my sketchbook. The rusty or broken object that arrived in my atelier as a car part will leave again as an unique and one of a kind eye catcher. Mission accomplished !

Marco van der Heijden
Designer and artist. Car enthusiast. Passion for technology. Supported by my very creative ancestors I try to create objects that lead to amazement, not only to car lovers, but also people who like ‘out of the box’ design.